PS:Baixei um pdf em ingles e frances do mesmo site, onde ha um pequeno checklist para alguns pontos relativos ao credito a serem verificados antes da compra de uma casa. Quem se interessar basta me enviar um mail solicitando que envio...
(post atualizado em 13/12/08)
Qu’est-ce que le crédit? |
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Une définition sans complication |
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« Crédit » est le terme utilisé pour décrire une transaction dans laquelle une personne reçoit de la marchandise, de l’argent ou des services sans payer d’importante somme initiale ou en ne payant rien du tout en échange d’une promesse de payer un montant convenu pour une période future convenue. Habituellement, la personne ou entreprise qui accorde du crédit à quelqu’un lui impose des frais en échange de ce service. |
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L’argent est important – mais le crédit l’est aussi. |
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Le crédit vous donne des perspectives d’achat. C’est grâce au crédit que vous pouvez acheter : |
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Sans crédit, vous auriez à verser un paiement entier en argent comptant pour l’achat d’un réfrigérateur à 800 $, d’une voiture à 25 000 $ ou même d’une maison à 150 000 $ ! |
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Le crédit fait croître l’économie. En accordant du crédit aux consommateurs, les entreprises réussissent à vendre davantage de produits et services, ce qui favorise la création d’emplois et la croissance de l’économie. |
Vérifiez votre crédit | |
Un peu de recherche et cinq étapes faciles suffisent pour vous aider à renflouer votre profil de crédit. | |
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1. Obtenez l’information La première étape consiste à vous familiariser avec votre profil de crédit. Commandez votre profil de crédit , votre pointage de crédit et votre analyse d’endettement en ligne pour avoir une vue d’ensemble de votre état actuel en matière de solvabilité. Vérifiez de près les données fournies par l’agence d’évaluation du crédit pour voir que toute l’information est exacte. Vérifiez à l’affût des éléments suivants :
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2. Corrigez les erreurs Communiquez avec vos créanciers ou envoyez des lettres de contestation à l’agence d’évaluation du crédit pour faire corriger les erreurs figurant dans votre profil de crédit . | |
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3. Améliorez votre comportement Identifiez les secteurs problématiques dans votre profil de crédit et dressez un plan d’amélioration. Si vous avez de la difficulté à payer vos factures ponctuellement, inscrivez-vous à un service de paiement automatique des factures. Si vos niveaux de dette sont supérieurs à 50 % de vos limites disponibles, créez un plan de remboursement visant à réduire vos soldes. Établissez des objectifs pour améliorer votre solvabilité et assurez-vous de célébrer chaque grande réussite ! | |
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4. Faites le suivi Vérifiez votre profil de crédit encore une fois de 30 à 60 jours après avoir contesté les erreurs qui s’y trouvaient et après avoir modifié votre comportement pour voir la mesure des améliorations apportées. Si le profil comporte encore des erreurs, communiquez avec le créancier pour faire un suivi et voyez s’il y a moyen de faire rayer l’élément contesté de votre profil de crédit. Si vous voulez faire entendre votre côté de l’histoire, envoyez une demande écrite à l’agence d’évaluation du crédit demandant qu’une déclaration du consommateur soit ajoutée à votre profil de crédit. | |
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5. Surveillez votre crédit Pour vous protéger contre la fraude et assurer que votre solvabilité demeure bien saine, inscrivez-vous à un service de surveillance du crédit qui vous signalera rapidement tout changement apporté à votre profil. Conservez des copies de vos anciens profils de crédit et lettres de contestation pour pouvoir les consulter plus tard. Prévoyez de faire une évaluation trimestrielle de vos progrès. |
Financial tips for couples...both new and old | |
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Across the country there are thousands of cheerful couples saying "I do" to a lifetime of love and dedication. You have to wonder how many of these brides and grooms are aware that they could also be saying "I do" to hefty mortgage payments and troubled credit histories? Understanding the financial commitments that come with marriage can help to maintain marital bliss long after the ceremony. Here's what you need to know: | |
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Talk About It - Openly discussing your finances with your fiancé is the best way to prevent future disagreements. Talk about your spending habits, your savings and your financial goals so that you will both be on the same page. Develop a plan for managing your money after the wedding. Will you open joint accounts? How much do you want to save each month? Work together to create a money management strategy that fits your needs. | |
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Wedding Expenses - Planning the wedding of your dreams can sometimes lead to a nightmare of debt. The average wedding now costs $22,000, according to the Condé Nast Bridal Infobank, a hefty sum that can lead to big credit card bills after the honeymoon ends. Talk with your fiancé about how much you can afford to spend without breaking the bank. Be creative about cutting back your budget: using potted flowers and making the invitations yourself can help you shrink your costs without reducing your style. | |
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Credit - Understanding your sweetheart's credit history can help you avoid future surprises. Your fiancé's credit could have a dramatic impact on your rates for co-signed loans and joint accounts in the future. If there are past credit problems, work together to clean things up and reduce debts. Starting your new life together could be a lot smoother with good credit. | |
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Joint Accounts - Don't worry, your credit profiles won't automatically merge together when you get married. Only when you open a joint account, become an authorized user or co-sign on a loan will a record appear on both your credit profiles. Combining your finances this way can be a great way to get the best deal on a major purchase. Be careful though, any negative reporting associated with the account could mean double damage. | |
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Love Nest - If you are planning on buying a home together, give yourselves at least six months to save up a down payment, reduce your debt-to-income ratio and boost your credit score. A few months of financial improvement can help you save you thousands on your mortgage. | |
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Stay Focused - Above all else, don't let money problems come in the way of your love for each other. Talk honestly about your financial concerns and work together to get through the hard times. Your relationship is far more valuable than anything money can buy. |
Credit Scores |
Information you need to manage your score |
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Credit scoring 101 Don't worry, Credit Scoring 101 doesn't require any prerequisite courses, but you'll want to be ready to learn about a few tricky algorithms and number crunching. Grab your #2 pencil and let's get started! |
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History The credit scoring system became prevalent during the 1960's as a way for lenders to quickly evaluate a potential borrower's creditworthiness. The system was found to accurately predict financial risk over time and grew to several different industries. Now credit scoring is used by lenders, insurers, landlords, employers, and utility companies to evaluate your credit behaviour. |
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Algebra Thousands of different credit scoring formulas exist today for various evaluation purposes. Each unique credit scoring system is accurate and correct for its own application. The credit scores you can order online use an algorithm created for consumers that approximates these different formulas. Your online credit score may vary a bit from the score your lender uses, but they should be in the same range. |
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Chemistry The basic credit scoring formula takes into account several factors from your credit profile. The impact of each element fluctuates based your own credit profile:
Economics When you are preparing for a major purchase make sure you check your credit profile and credit score from TransUnion. Looking at your profile and score a few months before your loan application will help you get a complete picture of your credit health. Worried if your credit score makes the grade? If your credit score is above 650 you will probably qualify for a standard loan. Under 650, you may have trouble receiving new credit. |
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If your credit score is a little low, pay your bills on time, reduce your debt, remove inaccuracies and avoid new inquiries for a few months to give it a boost. Plus, don't forget that your credit score is not the only factor a lender may look at when they are evaluating your financial standing. |
5 steps to a higher score
Think of your credit score as a picture of your credit risk. This picture reflects your risk at a specific point in time. A picture does not change; however, when you take another one, you will probably look a little different. Similarly, when your credit information changes, your score will also change to reflect the updated information. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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There are steps you can take to ensure that each time a new "credit picture" is taken, it shows your best side. By observing the following guidelines, you can influence your credit worthiness for the better: